Nov 30, 2010

MoneyBags at Mad Art

Lisa See Kim & Stan Chisholm

MoneyBags at Mad Art Gallery

Opening Reception Friday, December 3, 2010
7:00 p.m to 11:00 p.m.

Interactive Art Installations
Free Takeaways
MoneyBags game show


Danielle Spradley

Peter Pranschke

Danielle Fuhrman of Drew Henry Salon & Gallery

Benjamin Bergevin-Smith

Los Caminos Gallery

Declare It Art

STL Improv Anywhere

Mark Hunter Brown

Shawn "Dolor" Webb

Crystal Kamoroff

Thomas Linder

Ryan Powell

Live Music from 18andCounting & DJ Luxxter

Free or $5 raffle ticket for a chance to enter the live MoneyBags Game Show.



Working with a motif usually seen only in cartoons, MoneyBags is a public art
project that transfers the recognizable image of the moneybag from the comic to the
real and playfully challenges society’s values, the role of currency, the idea of ownership,
and human impulses towards greed and generosity. Moneybags has multiple iterations,
and is not bounded by any single project. An ongoing collaborative network is
established and continually expanded on that continues beyond the life of any one
particular project. Over the past year, we have been dropping handmade moneybags,
filled with various handmade items and messages, in unexpected public locations
throughout Chicago, St. Louis, New York City, Tokyo and other cities. Our largest iteration of Moneybags took place during Art on Track, where we filled a
Chicago CTA train car brim to brim with bags made by the public.

Our mission is to encourage our audience to question the status of a given
currency. We seek to empower participants with the skills and opportunity to partake
in a collaborative art project that communicates their personal perspectives within a
context of mutual exchange and interaction.

MoneyBags at Mad Art gallery will include a culmination of past interactive installations as well as newly structured projects specific to this very event and space. The MoneyBags Game Show will be a performance where gallery attendees buy inexpensive raffle tickets for the chance to win various grand artworks in an exchange that is normally foreign to the gallery circuit. The Cellout Artists will be a collection of artists chosen by Kim & Chisholm to exhibit in Mad Art's notorious jail cells and about the gallery. The night will also include musical from DJ Luxxter & 18andCounting, free art and plenty of chances to expand upon the young & fresh public project that is MoneyBags. Exhibition open through Dec 30

1 comment:

  1. this is a good project, encouraging the audience to determine the status of currency given.
